Wisdom Parenting

Wisdom Parenting
“Could he who knows ever be equal to him who doesn’t know ? He who knows is certainly more estimable” . az Zumar :9
We are living in a changed world. We have learned more than we realized. By developing our capability ,we have attained wisdom. Wisdom is not a quality design for a tiny elite but available for everyone to work toward and achieve .The dictionary defines wisdom as understanding of what is true, right or lasting “
Like many young men and women ,your child may someday find him or herself working for company that is engaged in questionable moral and legal practice and he or she may get a clear message that employees are expected to participate in or a least shut their eyes to ,the practice or common their jobs. It’s not an uncommon occurrence ,nor are the violations likely be trivial.
How can your child his ideals and still succeed in the hard edged ,competitive world of business ?
Young chlidren’s stands on these kinds of issues will depend to a large degree on their understanding of the forces that determine people behavior and the social conditions they live under , . True, we change the teenager’s behavior by changing the social conditions he lives under, perhaps by convincing his parents to apply firmer discipline and treat him more affectionately. Rosululllah said: “the believer to other believer like the building who strong then each other’.
The good enough parent is a parent who recognizes his or her limitations. We are deluding our selves if we believe our children can be models of our expectations rather than their own. We can teach them to be personally responsible for their behavior, so that they will feel accountable to themselves first of all . Childern need to fell that they know how to evaluate whether an action that some one tries to persuade them to tke or isn’t the right thing to do.
You can teach your child that a good strategy for evaluating the merits of persuasive arguments involves two steps ; First he must define his own goals and than he must evaluate whether the action that some one wants him to will bring those goals about.
Rosulullah said : kulukum ro’in wakulukum masulun a’ro’iyatihi”.”every man of you is a leader and every man of you will be asked the responsibility on his leadership . Your child will come to care about responsibility if you teach him that the real rival in any competition in himself .In reality ,all he can do to strive to do the best .Parents need to help their child learn to care about self improvement rather than beating some one else.
You must try to the excellent example for your child through self understand that what is true being true to your self: to act with integrity, to eliminate self deception ,to be courageous and take risks when situation requires ,to think for your self rather than delegate the thinking to others ,to relate to people out of the strength that love elicits rather than anger, which weakness , You also have understood what is right. A belief in abiding values of family life and a realization that life is an affair of people rather than things.
As our prophet Muhammad ha said ;”Every child is born into the natural state of fitrah (pure natural ) its parent ‘s later make into jew , Christian and pagan”.
By doing so you will be sharing more of your self with her. Communicating what you expect from her and reaffirming her importance in your life .Discuss your plans with her or she doesn’t feel uncertain and left out and let her know that you need and her on your side.
For fathers, just spending time with their kids brings immediate as well as long term gain. Children of involved are more popular, get on better with their peers and are more empathetic, according to University of Guelph research summary published in a 2002 Father Involvement initiative –Ontario net work newsletter. It also reported that teenagers with involved fathers are 80 percent lees likely to have been in jail and 75 percent less likely to have become unwed parent. And girl whose fathers take an interest in what they to do are more likely to stick with extra curricular activities such as sport art, music and reading according to a 2004 US Study.
The parents as well as the children have specific duties toward each other. It is duty of the parents : to educate ,inculcate the sense discipline and good behavior among the children .So couldn’t you apply it….?
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