Make Simple Your The Concept of Learning

The concept of learning must be simple. Think about play. Everybody will be happy and fun to play some activity with rule of the game. It is the same with the learning process. The offer you make to your student can be altered by the integration of different steps of learning stimulus, response, motivation and reward. Then only learner can learn effective through experiential sense, attention, thinking, activity   and relate about object of learning. As a result, the desired of learning achievement can be obtained.

Another way to think about the learning process is to use motivated to impart required skills and knowledge. The teacher mixes the element of learning process in different quantities to deliver a every individual differences every student. The key success factor of learning   that cognition the learning process must be understood by the learner. Then only they can awareness and thinking themselves to learning something. Stimulus of thinking depend on to be sensitive the reality   in the environment in which the person lives and behaves is where a neutral stimulus is associated with a stimulus that evokes an emotional response.

The learning  goal in terms of process  is really to make every student will be happy and enjoying of learning program   through improving method of teaching  and result o competences, and most importantly the every teacher  needs to increase the perceived value of the impact  of its learning and teaching process  and  delivery  learning services to the student delight.

The learning process should be a positive response from the learners with regard to learning process and program. This learning model consists of four processes. First, the observer must be aware of his surroundings (attention). He must then be able to recognize and remember the behavior at a later time (retention). Ideally, the observer should be able to produce or attempt to produce the act (production), but he will likely perform the behavior only if he has a reason to do so (motivation). (

Learning  process is the method of evaluating respond and stimulus of  teaching program , choosing the prepare of teaching, knowing  the student  needs , wants, anxiety and learning style, describing the  teaching method, subject of material of studying,  media of learning  and  motivation and deliver  the self competence and achievement. 

Learning  process takes major responsibility to control overall indoor or outdoor learning activity through  classroom research every teacher would be have some information about the student competences and multiple  talent their student has. 

In learning  process, you need to decide which student you will serve in your target of learning likes standard of competences every student by treatment of learning every student are unique and individual differences  and then you have to position your teaching program  to that targeted you’re a standard of competences do you need. Nevertheless, for ascertaining the most effective and most advantageous learning process you should slot in professional skill, academic competences , interpersonal  ability and knowing student behavior. How about your suggestion..?    .


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Kiat Menjadi Guru Profesional Abad 21 (Tuntutan Kurikulum 2013)

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