Moral Curriculum In Self Development

Moral Curriculum In Self Development
“ The faithful whose the most perfect faith are those whose the best moral’ Rosulullah.
The noble character is the most important matter in the dogma of islam and the condition of the perfectness of man ‘s faith. Concern about moral curriculum of children have taken on new sense of urgency. The traditional source of moral guidance –religion ,the schools, community and family customs-are not as influential as they once were . Yet young people today are confronted by serious moral issues, often at younger age than before.
Moral is the manner of relation to other people which concern the honor and self dignity. Its intention must be good ,in the sense that its goal is the well being one or more people and it must be fair or just,is the sense that is considers the right of other without prejudice or favoritism.
The teaching moral standards is not just transfer of theory or knowledge but excellent example. The building of moral is begun from one self, for it the self moral of every person has been good , its automatically that the morals in the family ,community and the nation are good too.
Moral behavior is indeed so crucial to human survival that processes to bring it about have evolved in all three major behavioral systems : the action system, the reaction system and the self control system.
Moral motivation is acquired through three psychological processes;
1. Internalizing parental standard of right or wrong action
2. Developing emphatic reaction to other people feeling
3. Constructing personal standards of kindness and justice
Moral is the attribute which grows and joint the heart of human . from existing attribute flows the attitude and behavior of some one. “” Truly the strength and the victory of nation is their morals which are in providence”.
very helpful article, self development is very important to achieve something