Competitiveness Excellence With Believe in GOD, Pancasila I. 7.1, Restoring Indonesia,
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Kank Hari Islamic Asean Motivator |
Indonesian nation had triumphed with royal splendor of his
kingdom, such as Sriwijaya, Majapahit,
Kutei, etc. Where greatness is built it
is because they believe the strength of belief in his day. When a trust and
obey the Lord's teaching, indirectly they will follow God's nature is reflected
in the nature of advice / words that
write in his Holy Book. Thus all kinds of behaviors from thoughts,
feelings, words and actions will be pursued optimally to live a life of the
nation compatible with believed espoused. The character who awakens from a
habit to believe and obey God are as follows:
1. God Will
Never Force
Basically no one in jail God was derived directly to earth
just to make his servants trusting and obedient to Him, therefore basically
every servant of God has the freedom to believe and obey, meaning that every
human being is expected to have full awareness and self-control to focus on
values Godhead. Control and supervision by yourself is what produces the
effort to build self-alias potential and competencies focus on improving the
quality of life. If the focus on the improvement of this life brought to profession domain it will be measured at
improving the quality of personal performance in any profession.
2. Respect for Freedom
By being aware of the nature of God who never forced any
servant to trust, obey and worship Him should give birth to the behavior of a
servant who cherish freedom. Cherish freedom on others will encourage a climate
of fair competition and is conducive because each person will focus on
increasing our efforts to create goodness every rock. Healthy competition will
produce individuals of individual achievement and reputation for excellence,
and healthy competition will only happen if every individual respect for
3. Personal Affairs
Affairs of the trust, obedience and worship of human beings
is a private affair of man concerned with God means obligations,
responsibilities and logical consequence of the implementation of command of God
be rightfully concerned. This has encouraged the full human conscience to
execute commands of the Lord optimally, the expected behavior arises is every
human being a superintendent for himself to his profession as a manifestation
of the value of the worship of his Lord. Because the violation of religious
norms / beliefs, norms and universal norms of other countries can only lead to
guilt and the reply from the wrath of God.
4. Harmony Life
Any individual who feels safe with all matters he would not
disturb other people's lives, and in order to maintain the existence of a sense
of security that they will strive to live in harmony and peace. The harmony is
what will make each individual can contribute to provide benefits to the
environment and the country, through the work of -karya creative and innovative
as the embodiment of devotion to God. Contributions results vary because this
harmony is an invaluable wealth of a diversity.
5. Cooperation
The triumph of a country and the business world does not
depend on the power of one person, but is the result of cooperation between the
private personal excellence. God created the earth all complete with symbiotic
mutual so that human civilization continues to waver. In other words,
those who believe and obey the Lord will roll up their sleeves to cooperate
with each representing a wealth and better human civilization.
6. Deepen of
Religion and Belief
All religions and beliefs that are recognized by the country
of Indonesia has a local wisdom that can
enhance the degree of human premises fair and civilized, hence the birth of
civil society (plenary) in order to preserve the life of the nation and the
landless water can exist parallel to the great nations of the world nations.
And the world was made was so appalled by the unity of religious people in
Indonesia who numbered many adherents.
7. Believe and Obedience To God
Proof of all activities and behavior which brings grandeur,
nobility of character, efforts to create peace and fortune all over the world is the nature of the
culture of Indonesian people who believe in God Almighty. Therefore no one if
the first clause of the First Precept Almighty God is the Indonesian Nation
Declare Faith And Obedience Against God Almighty.
Similarly, with this article I titled "Restoring Indonesia
Competitiveness Excellence With Believe in God, Pancasila I. 7.1 'an
implementation of the items to the First Precept of Pancasila from item to item
7 to 1, so that Pancasila not only be limited to rote without understanding and
practice that is meaningful to the lives nation and state. What is your
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